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Avvaiyar Government College for Women

Karaikal-609602 - Puducherry - India


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About IQAC Vision, Mission & Goal Objectives and Functions Composition of IQAC AQAR'S Minutes of IQAC Meetings PO's, PSO's and CO's Best Practices Institutional Distinctness Feedbacks and contact



PO's, PSO's and CO's

Avvaiyar Government College for Women has adopted outcome-based education which is a student-centric education model that maps and measures students’ performance at every step. The Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes are the essential part of education system. POs, PSOs and COs for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution. They are stated and communicated to the students and teachers in a well-planned manner.

      Program Outcomes                              - 

      Program Specific Outcomes             - 

      Course Outcomes                                             -
      Course Outcome Evaluation Form - 
Assessment of Program Outcomes & Course Outcomes 2020-21  - 
Assessment of Program Outcomes & Course Outcomes 2019-20  - 

The following mechanism is followed by the institution to communicate the learning outcomes to the teachers and students.

  • The importance of the learning outcomes is discussed and communicated to the teachers in the Departmental Staff Meeting and IQAC meeting.
  • The concepts of POs, COs and PSOs are communicated to the students at the time of freshers’ orientation program for the I year Students and during class hours.
  • Hard Copy of syllabi and Learning Outcomes are available in the departments for ready reference to the teachers and students.
  • The first few hours of each course highlight the POs and COs of the course and at least three hours are spent by the teachers for introducing the subject to the students.
  • Soft Copy of Curriculum and Learning Outcomes of Programmes and Courses are uploaded on the Institution website for reference.
  • Students are directed to visit the website of Pondicherry University to know the course structure.
  • Learning Outcomes of the Programmes and Courses are displayed on the notice boards of each department.
  • The Course Outcomes are usually chalked out by the BOS of Pondicherry University. However, depending upon the contemporary requirements, the additional inputs are prepared at the departmental level. The head of the departments along with the subject colleagues discuss the aspects at the beginning of the semester and decide upon the COs.
  • While teaching each unit and after completion of the unit, the course outcomes are reviewed.
  • Test are held periodically to verify whether the learners are reaching to the expected outcomes.
  • By the end of each test/ assignment/seminar, the assessment is made to measure the COs and POs by the concerned instructor.
  • The parents are informed about the POs and PSOs at the time of admission and PTA meetings.
  • The subject experts are invited as guest lecture to address the students on the recent trends and developments in their field.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to attend online/ offline programs offered by various institutions to gain further knowledge and awareness on Teaching Pedagogy.
Contact us
Dr. Ambedhkar street,
Karaikal-609 602